The pattern is Ripples and Waves, which is sold by the Yarnarian. Like I mentioned last week, I could not get it over my instep as written, so I widened the pattern by one set of yarnovers. My guess is that part of the problem was the silk/bamboo yarn, which has less elasticity than wool would have. If you make the pattern--try wool! I also think the way the socks fit on my feet might be better in wool, too, because in Panda Silk, they bulge out on the rows that don't have decreases in them (see close-up of foot). Note that the yarn pools differently on the tops versus the feet. That is because I made the bottoms 4 stitches smaller, since the stockinette spreads out better. It's amazing what that little difference does to how the yarn patterns!

And, ooh, bad ole Suna strikes again. I got yarn to make another project yesterday. I got yarn to make the Ocean of Pearls crocheted cardigan I referred to in the last post. There were only three colors of the specified yarn at the LYS with enough to make it, and I figured if I waited, there would not be enough and I would have to substitute. Now, speaking of that yarn, LOL. It's my least favorite yarn of 2007, ggh Mystik, the one I made my shiny green sweater out of last year. The one that got caught in my needles all the time and drove me nuts. However, I think the yarn will behave very differently in crochet, so I got ten balls of extremely vibrant "grape Kool-Aid" colored purple and will probably try out the pattern tomorrow night or later today. It will have to wait to really get going until I finish making the Cables and Lace top for my friend, but I'd like to see how the pattern looks. I am looking forward to a crochet project to break up the knitting a bit!
And, in my resolve to work on unfinished projects, I did at least take my Juno Regina with me to the yarn shop, and WOULD have worked on it if I'd finished the socks there! That's close to working on an unfinished project, right??
I was driven, inspired, induced, seduced or mysteriously drawn to start another pair of socks the moment the blue ones got off the needles, though. I just had to see how that yarn I dyed a few weeks ago would knit up. I really liked one of the patterns in the Pattern a Day Calendar last month, which is called Hawaiian Leis Socks, by Adrienne Fong. it looks good with multicolor yarns, and is a very well written pattern. It has an eye of partridge heel and garter stitch borders on the gussets. Very classy. I am doing them two at a time, as well. I should have a photo for you next time!
I hope you are having a great summer--I know mine has turned around with new job and less stress, so here's a wish for little stress and much knitting to all of you!
i L-O-V-E the new socks! i actually LIKE the pooling of that yarn on the top, as weird as that sounds, but it really looks like water, complementing the "ripples and waves" pattern!
ReplyDeletei've been wanting to make socks from a blend of bamboo, as living in the texas hill country is anything but comfortable in the almost year round summer! however, i was always a little hesitant at how they would wear. after hearing YOUR great review though, i think i've been motivated to try it out!!