Happy Talk Like Sarah Palin Day, you Good Americans, Un-American Americans, and Commie foreigners alike! Gosh darn it, I must say that I am not pleased at how Flickr seems to have disappeared from the earth today. I am sure my photos will be back later.
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Ha ha, how cute. It appears that Flickr is still here. You just can't see anything hosted on Flickr from ALE. I don't get that "This is a bad website and we won't let you look at it" message. It just doesn't load. So, maybe there is some issue going on that is not particular to my personal viewing needs (like let me tell you, Ravelry looks BAD with no Flickr images). Well, that makes a LOT of websites look dorky. Guess I will have to go to the local Starbucks to blog at lunchtime now, if it's not just a temporary thing. The fact that I also can't get some of my applications to work from home today is hinting that there are some network issues, so I will think positive.
SEE, I can do that!
Second sock is at least halfway through the foot. Go me. And that's even with spending some of my knitting time last night talking to Suzanne and not knitting for her.
Oh, and since I can see my pictures now, here's one of the happy recipient enjoying her Nana's Afghan last Saturday.
Hey Suna, from (for now) sunny but chilly London. Its not Flickr's fault, apparently. I have that problem at my work - a big scary red and black ACCESS DENIED comes up. I asked our IT department why and they said it wasn't anything to do with them - it was the 'System'. No idea why it should decide that Flickr was bad, just that it had and it would probably change its mind eventually. See, the computers are in control.....
ReplyDeleteKeep blogging and don't let the whatsits grind you down
Flickr is banned at my work too. It's one of the reasons I get behind on your blogs because I like to see what you are talking about!