Nothing as exciting as yesterday's parade of Kauni, but I did want to show you the buttons I got for the jacket. They are fastened on it in the picture. Aren't they a good match? I really like this whole series of ceramic buttons. The red was my favorite shade, but it didn't come in the 1 1/8" size, so we took the green and blue. Thanks to Katie for her help in picking them out, and good luck to her as she tries to squeeze out a St. Patrick's Day baby tomorrow!
I'm still amazed at how nice the jacket came out. Lee just said to me he really didn't think it would end up as nice as it did, which is sort of what someone said on one of my email lists: are you sure it's the same jacket? Well, good for me. We'll see if the Itchy Shalom also comes out well. Right now I am just hoping I have enough yarn to finish it. I don't have but 400 yards of the Brindle Hill Farm Leicester Longwool, and it may not suffice. Ah well. It sure is SLIPPERY stuff. It keeps sliding off the needles because the yarn and the metal KnitPicks needles are both so slick.

In other news, at long last the first installment of the
Intention Yarns club offerings has arrived. I don't usually do clubs, but I like the idea that these are dyed with thoughts of a particular wish going on as they are dyed. This first one is my favorite colors, and called Bliss. It's a wool/bamboo blend, again, my favorite. So it has already made me happy! They also sent a nice button that says "I love Yarn" on it, and some candy and a brown piece of cloth. Not sure what that signifies--there wasn't an explanation, but I could have missed the newsletter or something, since my junk mail filters are a tad "over zealous."
Thanks again to all of you who said such nice things about the jacket. It sure feels good when a project lives up to how you thought it would look in your mind's eye!
Now let's see how the other stuff goes!
I wouldn't have thought to pick these buttons out! There are fabulous and look great on the jacket. This jacket is an impressive piece of knitting! Great job:)