But first, here are a couple more photos of the Dianna2 shawl, which John-Francis took at the yarn shop. I have a brighter one, but selected the wrong photo. I have to go cook, so no time to re-load. But doesn't it look nice?

And here it is artistically styled to look fashion-fresh! Ohh la la. Underneath it is a sweater I knitted one of in red back in 2006, but in black it's hard to see.

Here is my less successful item. This is Andromeda in Koi after almost two charts of the pattern. As you can see, even stretched out it's hard to find the pattern among the colors. I suspected this would happen. I also think the original pattern used two laceweight yarns held together, so it came out fairly large. I think this one won't be very big. But that's OK. I think it will make a cute shoulder shawl worn with a crisp white shirt, so I won't worry about the pattern. It's going fast, so I should have time to try something else with the remaining laceweight! Maybe a garter-stitch lace stole from Victorian Lace today with two strands held together. That might blend the colors even more. I'll give it a try.

And here's a bit of eye candy. Andrea from the yarn shop spent a month in Oregon and while there bought a lot of yarn, but none for herself. She brought it back and resold it to people here. That is a way to get stuff you can't find locally! I was the last person to get offered anything, so there wasn't much choice. Luckily I liked this one a lot. It is Royale Hare yarn in colorway Muirwoods Moss. Bright greens and subdued blue/green. It's merino and has that tight twist I enjoy in sock yarn. I also bought a pattern, Lacewing from KnitSpot. It has a horizontally knit border that looked fun.
Well, must go make dinner, since my lovely spouse is home. Yes, I DO sometimes do something other than knit and type!
Oh, I love that yarn, that green colour (what else did you expect?)