And here she is, finished but not blocked. It used up nearly all of two skeins of Noro Kureyon sock, so I could not do a border even if I'd wanted to. I may order a third skein of my other colorway to do a border on the second one. Thinking about it...
I like how the beads catch the light from the camera flash in the photo below, and I like how the television shines through the leaves. Obviously we didn't go crazy and try to take pictures anywhere nice. I don't seem to do that much lately.

Here, to make your eyes go "ouch," I posed Dianna on the quilt she is being traded for. Seems like a nice thing to do. (We will be hanging the quilt up as soon as we get a curtain rod). This is 15 repeats of the pattern, by the way. I am hoping it gets a big bigger in blocking, but maybe not by as much as the Lady Jane vest did!

My plan is to block it tonight, after I go to a potentially tedious meeting. That should bring more fun into a day that had a lot of hard work (but that's fine--everyone was in good spirits). I will show you some stuff I have in mind for a special project, if I get a chance to post tomorrow. We hope to have dinner with friends from graduate school tomorrow night, so I may not get to post!
It looks fantastic! You must be so proud. I love the cool, rich blues and greens, the colors are very relaxing to look at and I love how it turned out like a patchwork quilt. It would have been beautiful without the beads, but I like the way they add just a touch of bling and help define the leaf shape!