Another day, another no job action, and I got tired of knitting on the shawl (it's in a light section now), so was reading my email, when the Knitting Daily for the day came. As a good little email marketing sucker, I of course clicked on a link in the article about what men like about sweaters (really good discussion of survey results, too: men like plain dark sweaters--huh!).
The link took me to the sweater depicted in the illustration, which is called The Ultimate Gift. Click that. See its beauty. Give them a happy click-through and forward rate, go on. Now, is that NOT a lovely thing? Cables, cashmere, interesting shoulders. It would make even knitting something navy blue fun! I want it in Suna size.
So, even if it might be a wee tad bit warm, I printed out that pattern and will save it to drool over, and put it in my Ravelry queue, and if I ever finish the other clothing items I already have yarn for AND get a paying gig, I may well make a me-sized version (because no man in my family would wear a warm cabled pullover, even in a nice, dark color).
And why wouldn't you make it in a nice, creamy colour in a nice light cotonmix? If you can't even live your knitting dreams.... I like the silk cardigan top-down sweater a lot!