Monday, December 31, 2007
Don't Forget! I Need Lacy Wedding Ideas!
I'm just asking you to keep an eye out for something that would look nice on a short, medium-weight currently red-headed woman who will be 50 at her wedding (I hate to admit that). I was thinking of wearing a lacy cardigan or jacket over a silk dress (the dress will be picked to go with the lace item). I would consider a shrug or maybe a shawl. The wedding will either be in the spring or the fall, and as far as we know will be outdoors (I would not survive an outdoor wedding in Texas).* So think not-too-hot, not-too-cold.
If you see anything on the web or Ravelry, post a comment on this post or The original blog post and I will be grateful! Thanks!
*Lee gets a vote in all these decisions, so I don't know exactly what we are doing until we get around to deciding.
Still Here, with Shag!

Yesterday we drove to Lee's dad's farm (as referred to above), and I got to give him the house socks I made for him. He was SO pleased. He put on the blue ones and did not take them off. They looked great. He said they made his feet feel springy and warm. It is so wonderful to give a gift that is so well appreciated. I finished the shag scarf while we watched football, and started another one, the Brooklyn Tweed striped one, just for fun. I'm not sure why I am on a scarf kick, but it could be worse!
Here's the link to the PDF of the Shag pattern, again, in case you want to run off and make one:
Of course, the cardigan is moving along, but it is not very exciting to show photos of pieces of a stockinette item made in pieces. They are all curled up and icky looking, though they feel GOOD. I finished the left front and am moving along on the right front now. It's a pleasure to work with the Ultra Alpaca, and it makes me happy to see Lee eagerly anticipating wearing it.
More tomorrow I hope!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Making Progress
I made good progress yesterday in knitting, and managed to finish the acres and acres of stockinette that constitutes the back of the cardigan, plus two pocket liners. It's off to knit the fronts now!
It probably was not brilliant of me to go to the LYS while they are having their inventory reduction sale...hard to resist getting yarn! But I didn't get too much. I just got two skeins of Noro Iroha in black to use with all my leftover Kureyon or Silk Garden (can't decide) for one of those extra-popular Brooklyn Tweed Noro scarves. Why? I need a plain ole workaday scarf and only have fancy ones and that big one with the pattern in the sidebar (which did keep cold wind off me yesterday!). I also got three balls of Mili Colori, which is a single ply random-striping yarn I just love to look at, to make a second Shag scarf as a gift for someone. I just enjoy doing it! All that was less than $30, so not too bad.
I needed to see other humans anyway, so it was nice to hang out with the friendly yarn shop patrons and chat a while. Mostly I bragged about my son's Christmas gift, which was a really touching plaque thanking me for being a good mom to him...this from the easiest child to parent on the face of the earth--but I sure appreciated it.
Not much knitting in the evening, because we went to see Juno, an excellent movie that was perfect for a family with teens. The vocabulary was dead on accurate--and the subject matter really good.
That's it for today. I hope to have some cardigan photos tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Gifts Received and Revealed
Yay, I can finally show you the socks I made for my fiance for Christmas (though I am sure he saw them in my knitting bag). I call them the Slightly Interesting School Color Socks on Ravelry, because they are the colors of St. Edward's University, and I just couldn't knit them plain, so I made them slant in the center. What looks like a seam down the side is where I increased every other row.
On the second picture you can see that I did a centered double decrease (my new fave stitch) in the middle, which makes a sort of strange, yet pleasing effect. The socks have a solid blue cuff because I was worried that I would not be able to get full socks out of the skein. I probably could have, but I like the cuff.There's a string showing, because I didn't weave in the top end--I wanted to be sure Lee was OK with the length, so I thought I might be needing to take off the cuff and add some of the remaining body yarn to lengthen them. HE liked them as is. The yarn is Hill Country Yarns Instant Gratification Sock Yarn, which is sport or DK weight. I knit the socks at 55 stitches around, which yes, is a weird number. Lee liked the fit (a little tight). I was happy that I figured out how to make my favorite toe-up flapped heel with 25 stitches. Go me. And the short rows look marvy.
My other gifts were all received with great gusto. My older son wants the Half Pipe hat blocked a bit, because the top seems a little pointy. Lucha Libre went over extremely well, as one can see. And all the relatives I sent gifts to in North Carolina raved about them as well. All in all, my holiday knitting was a success. Maybe I will do more next year!
I am into the third ball of blue Ultra Alpaca on Lee's cardigan, and I held it up to him--what a relief that the width seems good and he liked how long it was from armhole down. I hope to finish the back today. It is a LOT of knitting, but I only have a couple more inches of back, which goes faster after the armhole decreases. Every so often I knit another unit onto the Shag Scarf. It's a reward!
Happy knitting to all!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Weekend Knitting
I'm still going to work on the cardigan, plug away on Juno Regina when I get tired of stockinette, and work on my sock when I need some tiny knitting to work on. Lots of fun to distract me from interviews!
Happy holiday knitting!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I Took a Road Trip
First we went to the Knitting Nest, which neither of us had ever been to. That's because it is as far in southeast Austin as I am in northwest Austin, and I'd never had the time to check it out. It's only been open a few months. I saw all sorts of places in south-est Austin that I had never seen before, including a huge shopping center over where Lilith Fair was once upon a time. We really enjoyed the shop--what a cute little building it's in, and what nice decor they have going!
Mostly I appreciated how the owner has selected yarn lines that complement the other shops in town, rather than competing with them. I got to touch many lovely things I'd never touched before, and that's what I want in a new yarn shop--fun new yarn experiences. The Peace Fleece and O-Wool were really lovely. The picture shows one of the yarns I picked up--Bo Peep's Not Just for Socks Yarn in Indian Corn, from Farmhouse Yarns. I'd never seen it anywhere else. I think it wants to be a scarf. I also got Soxx Appeal yarn with elastic in it and a type of Online Supersocke that my LYS doesn't have yet--Hiking, which was really interesting in the sample that was knit up.
Jody and I had a very nice conversation there, ran into someone else we knew (of course), and were glad we'd made the trip. I hope to get down there more regularly--maybe to one of the Knit Nights or whatever they have.
After a delicious lunch we hiked all the way up Congress Avenue to Hill Country Weavers, where we got to touch some new yarn with camel in it that felt divine, and had nice colors. There were some real doozies of new and different yarns there. I did get one skein of Araucania sock yarn, because I'd never seen that in person before. Then I found the perfect fairly inexpensive stuff to make the Shag scarf from Knitting New Scarves, which I have decided I must do. It's Nashua Wooly Stripes, which I think would make that pattern really festive.
Whew, that was a lot of yarn fun, and I felt bad about spending money on yarn, but it shows how optimistic I must be on the job front, huh.
Today I got a lot done on Lee's cardigan at "my" LYS, where I didn't have any students but helped some other folks--I got over halfway up the boring expanse of the back. Now I may just give that scarf a whirl before going back to the cardigan. Wee.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Brush with Fame!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Lucha Liberated!

I kept switching back and forth with how I did the green parts. Some stranding, some little bits of yarn for more classic intarsia. In any case, here it is. Yvonne, don't do this as your first intarsia project--it might drive you crazy!
But, I know my boy will love it and that's what counts. One more holiday gift to finish (today) and I will be done. I can't post a picture of that one, since the recipient reads the blog.
Hi to everyone doing fun things (Katie!) and to those of you frantically dealing with holidays and relatives. I am frantically interviewing, but that is mostly fun. I truly appreciate everyone's support and vibes!
Off to another fun day at the yarn shop, where I am going to start a new project, a cardigan for Lee. In Ultra Alpaca. HA! That one won't be torture, will it??? Yum!
Bathtime Blossoms for the Holidays
Yeah, I had a GREAT weekend with my sweet man Lee, buoyed by knowing I had job interviews all lined up. Amazing how that helps. If you want to see more of the trip photos, click the Flickr gallery link in the left column. You might have to go through a couple of others, but they will be the 50+ ones of interesting buildings and rocks after that. Really pretty rocks.
Keep thinking of me. The place I phone interviewed at yesterday wants me back today for in-person, and the place where I met Lee wants me in tomorrow for an interview for a great job at great pay. I haven't even had time to look for NEW jobs this week!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Lucha Libre-ing along
Because of all the little balls of yarn, I did not take this project with me over the weekend. But, I am thinking I'll have it done in the next day or two. There are just a few more green rows, and after that, it's smooth sailing.
I still wonder why this could not have been done in the round. People do intarsia in the round! Or so I am told. Beccano is quite pleased with the progress, of course. I am feeling a bit under the weather (after a lovely trip to Fredericksburg, Texas and the amazing Enchanted Rock) so I'm not really up to thinking much about knitting right now...but, I did want to share with my knitting blog readers that on Friday, 5 different job possibilities emerged out of nowhere! I have interviews on Monday and Tuesday, and think I will have at least two, perhaps three more. From famine to feast!
Tomorrow I'll show you what I made over the weekend. It's what I hope is the last Christmas knitting I will have to do!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Knitting Dorkiness
I'll have plenty of time to knit this weekend as Lee and I go on a little field trip to Fredricksburg, just to get out of town, then all next week I will knit away, mostly at the LYS hoping for customers for knitting classes. I am going to try posting a few on Craigslist to see if that works. No one else is doing that locally, though the other yarn shops have done great jobs with email lists, blogs, announcements on the radio, Ravelry lists and such. It's good practice for all those online community jobs I have been applying for, anyhow.
I have done a bit on my Garden Path socks, when I get tired of intarsia, plus a gift I am working on. So, soon there will be finished object photos to share again!
I wish you all the best in your last-minute holiday knitting, if you are still at it like I am!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Half Pipe Hat FO
The hat is a bit small on Beccano, but as he points out, he has a very big head. I think it will be OK on Tuba Boy. It was a pain sewing in the brim (it is plastic needlepoint canvas), but it is an interesting looking hat once it's done. I only used a wee bit of the second skein of yarn, so I think I may try to make some wrist warmers or something out of the rest of it. Such nice yarn.
I admit I didn't graft the top like the instructions said, and instead used three-needle bind off. Really, I WAS going to graft, but I had left the book with the excellent grafting chart that even I, "Suna the Grafting Challenged," could understand at home. And by the way, the illustration that finally clicked to me where I was messing up with grafting is in the new Best of Interweave Knits book. That book is worth buying for the little Ann Budd tutorials in it. They are great ways to up your Mad Knitting Skillz, as the kids would say.
Next I am going to make the Lucha Libre balaclava out of the same Stitch 'n Bitch book, for Beccano, who really likes to wear masks and odd headgear. It will be black with lime green trip. How special. We'll see if I am as skillful with intarsia techniques as I used to be, though really there isn't too much in this. Of course, intarasia in the round can be a pain, but, I am a good weaver-in of yarn ends! I have my trusty tools, so I can do it!
I am glad I got that Stitch 'n Bitch book. For some reason, the original one didn't do much for me. I really didn't like any of the patterns (I know, this will shock and upset many of you) and didn't find the instructions that helpful, either. I realize I am not that book's target audience (too skilled and too old--I just don't wear Junior fashions and haven't since the early 80s). However, many excellent newer knitters I know learned from Stitch 'n Bitch, and I know it had a lot to do with the recent upsurge in knitters and knitting, so I think it is a fine and dandy book, even if it isn't appealing to me, personally.
Reflecting a bit, I think part of it is my issue with wearing the same pattern everyone else on earth is wearing--I saw SO many of the same things on people when that book first came out! I guess I want to be the only one wearing my thing in any crowd (still, I did make those Monkey Socks, didn't I? But no clapotis, no way and never a My So Called Scarf or whatever that other new sensation is).
Hey, really, though. As long as your knitting away and enjoying yourself, who am I to say what to knit? And some people like to be one of the "in" crowd, which is why so many join KALs even when they don't really need help with a project. Oops, I did two KALs recently, but smaller ones. I really, really am glad so many people have started knitting and crocheting, and hope to see many of them continue throughout their whole lives. I'm certainly not going to stop. I kept going through the acrylic years, didn't I?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Surprise: I love a thick yarn
The yarn's making my pale wooden needle a little gray (all my other size 3s were in use), but otherwise, it's just wonderful stuff. Very comforting. I can't wait to show you all a picture of it!
That's it for me--I am knitting as much as I can, when the family circumstances let me, and not doing much else!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Suna's New Pathway

There isn't quite as much page turning and number calculating in the baby socks as there is in the larger ones, so I had a pretty fun time. The first ones I made are Little Sky, the white spotted ones, which I used worsted weight yarn I'd dyed with Kool Aid last year. The yarn sure looks cute. The second ones are the pink Coriolis ones. I do want to make some Coriolis socks, so at some point I'll break down and resign myself to knitting a whole pair of socks with a book at my side. The blue-ish socks are Charlie's Wiggle Socks. They are way cuter than the photo in the book, and were probably the most fun to make. I tried to not think of umbilical cords while making the cables (and watching the movie Shaolin Soccer, what a combo). Not sure why Cat had to put THAT image in my head. I'm glad I had a reason to knit the practice socks. Now I am ready for some new pathways in adult size socks!
It helped a lot to get all the knitting I wanted to get done accomplished. I felt in control of something in my life! I also got more done on the Juno Regina--it's probably halfway done by now. Plus, I started the Half Pipe Hat out of Son of Stitch 'n Bitch for Tuba Boy. I love the yarn I chose, Cascade 128. It is a very thick tweedy yarn, black with flecks. I thought it would give the right gauge, since the pattern called for two skeins of camel yarn, but it's even thicker than two skeins of camel, so I had to go way down in needle size to get gauge (size 3, where the original calls for 9). But, it's not too tight or anything--fits his head, and he seemed really happy with the progress so far. I'd like a hat out of that yarn, myself. I can't wait to put in the little brim! This will be a quick and pleasant knit. Aah.
Thanks for looking at all the patterns I posted! I have a few more, then will go more slowly and add them as I make them. A couple of things people have asked for patterns for I just can't do--some of my sweaters and socks are too "improvised," so I can't write them down.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Very Warm Linen Stitch Scarf with Bobble Fringe
This scarf hung in my local yarn store for a long time, and I sold copies of the pattern. I've decided to share it, instead, so please enjoy. As always, let me know in the comments if you find any mistakes or have any questions.
Materials: Diakeito Diadomina 50% wool, 21% mohair, 29% nylon yarn, 6 40 gram balls.
Needles: circular or double pointed needles, size 7 OR size to get gauge and appropriate for how you like to knit in the round. 5 double pointed needles for traditional knitting in the round, or two 24” circulars for two circular method, or one 47” or larger circular for Magic Loop.
Gauge: 25 stitches = 4 inches (6.25 stitches per inch)
Construction Notes: Scarf is knit predominantly in the round using linen stitch. When the main body of the scarf is complete, you close the ends up to make a two-layer rectangle, then knit a simple back-and-forth border with really fun, yet easy, bobbled fringe that makes for lots of swingy fun when worn. The yarn is a beautiful self-striping mohair blend that seems to never repeat itself—mesmerizing!
Directions: Cast on 68 stitches using your favorite provisional cast on. (Later, you will pick up the ends of these stitches for the border.) Divide the stitches into quarters (17 stitches per needle) if using 5 double pointed needles. Divide in half if using two circulars or the magic loop. If using one smaller circular needle, place a marker for the beginning of rounds.
Start linen stitch pattern:
Row 1: Slip 1, K to halfway; Slip 1, K to end of round
Row 2: K1, *slip1, slip 1 with yarn in front,* repeat to halfway; K1, *slip1, slip 1 with yarn in front,* repeat to end of round
Row 3: repeat row 1
Row 4: K1, *slip 1 with yarn in front, K1* repeat to halfway; K1, *slip 1 with yarn in front, K1* repeat to end of round
Repeat rounds 1-4 until scarf is approximately the height of the intended owner—that makes it fall to their hips when draped around the neck. Or knit to desired length, making sure you have at least half a ball of yarn left for the borders. The slip stitches at the beginning and halfway marks will make a natural folding place, like a fake seam down the sides of the scarf.
Border A: You will need three needles to close off the scarf ends, two to hold the stitches and one to knit them with. Align each half of the stitches (front and back of scarf) in parallel (if you were using 5 needles, but half on each of two needles, and use a third to knit). Knit across, knitting one stitch from each needle each time. You will go from 68 parallel stitches to 34 stitches.
Knit 5 more rows in garter stitch for border.
Start Fun Bobbled Fringe: Cast on 19 (a cabled cast on works best), then make bobble.
Bobble: Row 1: Into last cast-in stitch, KI, P1, K1, P1, K1—5 stitches on needle.
Row 2: Sl 1, P4
Row 3: Sl 1, K4
Row 4: Sl 1, P4
Row 5: Sl 1, K4
Row 6: Sl 1, P4
Row 7: Sl 1, K4
Row 8: Sl 1, P4
Row 9: K2tog, K1, K2tog
Row 10: K3tog
When bobble is complete, cast off remaining stitches. When you get to the last cast on stitch, knit it together with the next scarf stitch, then cast off one (the idea is you will have one bobbled fringe for every two stitches on the scarf).
Repeat fringe instruction above until only two stitches are on the needle, K2tog and end off.
Border B: Now you need to make a matching border on the end where you started. Remove provisional cast on and put the live loops on, with the front stitches on one needle and the back stitches on another. Align as for Border A and close off the scarf edge as in Border A. Note that you will probably have an odd number of stitches, due to picking up from the cast on edge. Just bring up a loop on the odd half and knit it together with the final stitch on the half with an even number of stitches to nicely close off the scarf end. Complete Fun Bobbled Fringe as above.
Copyright ©2006 Sue Ann Kendall. This pattern may not be reproduced except for personal use.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Preview of New Pattern AND I Posted Another
I hope this photo intrigues you and makes you want to know more about the next item I'm going to post the pattern for. I've been meaning to share this one for quite some time! As you can see, the yarn is luscious and the stitch pattern is a very interesting one. And it's perfect for this time of year--it is a VERY warm item! Here in Texas, it's mostly decorative--in fact, it lived at a yarn store for a year when I was selling the pattern there.
I realized I had sort of written up instructions for the Glacier Lake Socks I knitted this summer, so I went ahead and finished them up, and have posted that pattern as well. the instructions are dated back in July, when i did the sock, but it is also listed in the sidebar under free patterns, so you can find it easily if you ever want to make a simply patterned sock with a very interesting heel (borrowed liberally from another sock I knitted, only resized and tweaked).
As always, if you make them and find an error, do let me know!
Knittin' Progress
I am churning away on a gift that I can't go into here, and got some more done on Juno Regina yesterday. I can do about an inch at a time of that before going numb. So, it will take a while with those small needles and teeny thread. But it's pretty!! Tomorrow I hope to get yarn for the kids' gifts, and start them.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Rainy Day Sock Pattern
Row 2: (RS) P 22, Pfb, P1, wrap and turn
Row 3: (RS) K 20, kfb, K1, wrap and turn
Row 4: (RS) P 18, Pfb, P1, wrap and turn
Row 3: (RS) K 16, kfb, K1, wrap and turn
Row 2: (RS) P 14, Pfb, P1, wrap and turn
Row 3: (RS) K 12, kfb, K1, wrap and turn
Row 2: (RS) P 10, Pfb, P1, wrap and turn
Row 2: Slip 1, P 31, P2tog, turn
Row 3: [Slip 1, K1] 16 times, SSK, turn
Row 2 and all even rows: K
Row 3: K1, YO, (K1, P3) 4 times, K1, YO, K1
Row 5: K2, YO, (K1, P3) 4 times, K1, YO, K2
Row 7: K3, YO, (K1, P2tog, P1) 4 times, K1, YO, K3
Row 9: K4, YO, (K1, P2tog) 4 times, K1, YO, K4
Row 11: K5, YO, K1, (Centered double decrease,* K1) twice, YO, K5
Row 12: K
Rows 2-6: P1, K1tbl, P5, K1, P5, K1tbl, P1
Row 7: P1, K1tbl, P2, YO, P2tog, P4, YO, P1, K1tbl, P1
Rows 8-12: P1, K1tbl, P2, K1, P5, K1, P2, K1tbl, P1
P: purl
Kfb: knit into the front and back of the stitch
Pfb: purl into the front and back of the stitch
M1: make one
YO: yarn over
P2tog: purl two together
Suna's Dream Item

The new Knitty is out, and wonder of wonders, it has my dream project: an entire sweater made out of Trekking XXL sock yarn. Drool. Abotanicity is its name. And it sure looks comfy and modern. And in one piece. And top down. Did I mention that? Oh gosh, that would be a lot of fun to make, and in my favorite beautiful yarn. Yeah, soon as I finish the other to do items, that is! I'll report more on it later, after I have looked at all the patterns and stuff. Some of the links are not working (I guess the server's busy).
Yes, I did at last finish the Rainy Day Socks last night. Sock #2 remarkably resembles sock #1. And neither of them photographed well, which is apparent in the photo. I need some natural light, but it gets dark so early! I even started a new pair using Jody's yarn and yet another Wendy Johnson pattern, because I needed something to do while waiting to get yarn for the kids' requests from the Stitch-n-Bitch men's book. One wants a hat, the other the Lucha Libre kind of mask thing. Both black. Sigh. Such exciting taste. Of course, the yarn shop will not be open late tonight as usual, so who knows when I'll get to buy the yarn.
Next post WILL be a sock pattern.
PS: Thanks to Noallatin for the info on the sock needle holder. You rock!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Another Question, and a Plan?
No knitting excitement to post a photo of, so here's my doggie sweater I designed using very strange yarns, which lives at the LYS. The color is WAY off--it is orange, not pink! Who PhotoShopped that, anyway??? (me)
I am probably going to get the second Rainy Day sock finished today or tomorrow, and that is good news. It means I passed the heel and was able to follow my own instructions. So I will be able to share them. I am impressed, since I spent most of the weekend singing or doing holiday decorating.
We have another question today from my shy questioner, and it's a good one.
She asks:"When you're making socks using 4 (or 5) needles, and you stop knitting for a while, what do you do with the needle not currently in use? I've been gently poking it through the finished part of the sock, trying very hard not to split stitches. But I think sometimes this does rearrange things a bit and makes what almost looks like holes.
"Is there a better way that still would keep from not losing the needle?"
And I answer: Usually I do what you do--stick the needle in the knitted part of the sock, or in the ball of yarn. And I do sometimes split the yarn, so this really isn't a great method. When knitting with teeny double pointed needles, though, I do try to carry the project in one of those small "sock bags," which have just enough space to hold the yarn, the sock in progress and its mate if that one is done. You are much less likely to lose your 5th (or 4th) needle if it's in a little bag and you close it up. And that way you don't have to stick the needle in the sock or yarn ball. But, another reason I use Magic Loop is so I won't lose needles!
There is a contraption I have seen that holds all your working needles and the spare in it, with your sock hanging out. This keeps your needles from being sat on and breaking (or hurting someone) and keep the unworked one safe. I can't remember what that thingie is called, so I can't link to it. But, that's another option. Any reader with another suggestion is welcome to COMMENT and tell me. Hint hint. I love comments.
I am trying to figure out ways to make some money when I am between jobs. One is that I will teach more classes at the LYS, which I have been graciously granted permission to do (and since I love to do that, it's great!). I did have the idea of marketing myself as a personal knitting coach and someone who will do in-home knitting parties. I did one of those last year and it was fun for all. I think I'd need to revamp my very old and outdated personal website so I could use it for that purpose. I wonder if I'd get any takers? And where I would advertise? I wouldn't want to conflict with local yarn shops and their classes, so I'd not want to put ads or business cards there. Maybe the small local newspapers. Or, or... CRAIGSLIST!!! Now, that may be a plan.
Of course, revamping that website takes away knitting time (which is why it is stale and it is better to find my stuff on Flickr). Hmm. Decisions decisions.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Knitting Books, Reunited
And they are alphabetized by author. I feel so organized. I had tried to organize them by topic before, but so many things spanned topic that it was not quite right. Then, Lee moved things and ACK, they were ALL intermingled! Knitting books were touching quilt books! Or Sewing with Nancy! Man, they could have gotten contaminated or something (with what, I don't know--really I used to like those Sewing with Nancy books a lot).
The other book case will hold my non-knitting craft books. I am weeding a lot of sewing books out, since I don't think i will ever be a garment sewer, but I will keep the quilt books, because they often inspire my knitting (and who knows, I may quilt again some day). I am also keeping the needlepoint books, because it's just so pretty. However, a whole lot of books about scrapbooking and other things I don't have time for now that I am not a stay-at-home mother will go to someone else. Yay for decluttering (which I did a bit of to the holiday decor today, too).
Next, I will use my close-up photos of all the books to lazily add books to my Ravelry list. Of course, now that I have a laptop that really works, I guess I could do it in the bedroom. Ah, modern conveniences.